Starting an Internet Business In 5 Steps
Posted by aloha on 12:21 AM
You might have heard about a wealth of money that can be made onling. When looking on the internet for online business tips you might get overwhelmed. I set up a 5 step plan to avoid getting overwhelmed.Plan what you are going to do. If you don't you'll hardly succeed. Remember that about 95% of all people who are starting an internet business fail. They are like people starting a journey without a road map or GPS. They don't stay focused.
Step 1
Before planning your undertaking collect as much information as you can. But beware of buying information products like mad. Don't jump from one product to the other and from one strategy to the next. The single best article I have seen to avoid this is by Kevin D. Browne on Ezine Articles. In short he recommends going for the free stuff on the internet. Don't opt in with your main email address but take a free one on google. I recommend Viral Inbox to do so. Do a search on google for information on starting an internet business and study everything you can get your hands on (free offers, blog- and forum posts etc.).
Step 2
When it comes to earning money it always comes down to selling something, be it online or offline. You can sell physical goods, digital products like e-books, videos, audios, digital pictures etc. Or you can sell services like marketing, translations, programming, or what most people do their own manpower.
You'll need experrtise when offering services. But if you want to offer products do you need to have your own? The answer is no. There is a thing called affiliate marketing. The most profitable way of affiliate marketing is offering digital goods. You can make up to 70% commissions as an affiliate for digital goods. If you decide on physical goods try drop shipping. You promote physical goods but the warehouse takes care of the storage and the shipping.
When starting an internet business I highly recommend affiliate marketing. The only risk is to not making any money but you won't loose any. Whatever you decide go for something you are interested in. Otherwise it might become hard to take it through to success.
After having chosen what to offer it's time to think about how to promote it. Do you need a website of your own? Not necessyrily. While it certainly helps to have one you can do without. You can choose from a lot of methods to market your offer. After having done your research you should have a good overview over marketing methods. Decide one one.
Step 3
When you know what to offer you should check the market and the competition. Choose some keywords people might type into Google to find your offer. The keywords should describe your offer as exactly as possible. Then do a google search for your keywords. If you put them in quotes you get the amount of pages with that exact term in them. This gives you an idea of your competition. Then go over to the google keyword tool and search for that keyword as well. Here you get information about the market you plan to enter starting an internet business, i.e. the number of monthly searches for that keyword. Go for keywords wit a maximum of searches and minimum of exact hits. When you did your research you know what I'm talking about. When not finding keywords with a monthly search volume above 1000 and less than 100'000 pages with your exact phrase try different ones or other offers.
Step 4
Only now, after you made your decisions and found a market with reasonable profitability and low competition I would decide on buying a product if you feel need for it. Before you buy anything see whether there are reviews or comments on that product and check those. If it's not valid don't buy it. There's a lot of fake on the internet.
Then you should set up your business plan with time frame and budget.
Step 5
Once you have set up a reasonable plan stick to it. Another reason why a lot of people fail starting an internet business is that they jump around from one model to the next, from one strategy to another and from one product to a different one. Stay focused! Tweak around and amend your business plan if necessary but only after having given it a chance. And be patient! Give it a chance! A lot of internet marketers if not all started by learning from their mistakes.
If you're lucky you can have fast results. The weirdest I have ever seen is: The one guy decided on starting an internet business. He read three hours through the posts on the warrior forum got a clickbank and another affiliate account which I can't remember. Then he did some research with Market Samurai, bought five domains, set up the sites and wrote five articles for each focusing on ppa offers. After a month he earned 200$ a day and was hoping to reach 500$ a day soon. That is 6'000$ to 15'000 a month. If this is true it's really astonishing.
I hope this article was of worth to you and now good luck with your business.